The Luxembourg-Poland Chamber of Commerce (LPCC) has announced a space-themed meet-up, taking place on 28 March 2019 at The Office (29 Boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, 1331 Luxembourg) from 18:30.
The subject of the Chamber's next monthly meet-up will be ”How to make business on space mining”, featuring guest speaker Inna Uwarowa, head of LPCC corporate member In-Space Services SARL. Interviewed by Fabrice Testa from LSTA, Inna Uwarowa (graduate from the Warsaw University of Technology) will present the newly created In-Space Services, a leading Polish company in the space industry that recently opened a holding in the Grand Duchy.
This interview will last around 30 minutes and will be followed by a networking event.
More information on this event is available via emai: info@lpcc.lu or on the event page on the LPCC website: https://goo.gl/FZWkNf.