The Luxembourg Poland Business club (LPBC) has announced that it has started working on the Entrepreneurial Woman project again; as every year, there are 30 spaces for highly motivated candidates wanting to learn about starting a business in Luxembourg; the registration is open now until 15 September.

This very unique initiative on the Luxembourgish business market has evolved from it inaugural first year and is now based on the experience last year as well as an expansion of the programme, involving new trainers as well as new companies and which therefore encouraged more women from a large number of nationalities to participate.

Last year, each Saturday during the autumn brought a new challenging topic, which intellectually stretched the participants and led to many constructive discussions. The atmosphere was open and positive, and attendees were motivated to share their ideas and knowledge in a team-building environment. The 2016 programme will be further developed and will include new ideas.

The programme covers a block of 8-9 hour-workshops on six6 Saturdays comprised of lectures and case studies delivered by a range of experts covering: idea generation, networking, types of business entities, inbound & outbound marketing, business plan, credits for start-ups and fundraising, individual business plan, business model canvas, rental law, webpage development, social media, coaching for entrepreneurial, project management, etc., corporate responsibility.

Those interested in participating this year can register online at Cost: €150 for members, €195 for non-members. The course starts on 1 October at the Limpertsberg Campus of the University of Luxembourg. Registratrion closes on 15 September.