Luxembourg's National Roads Administration has announced planned works on the Haute-Syre viaduct (OA1135) in Munsbach on the A1 motorway over summer.

The Roads Administration explained that, given the advanced state of deterioration of the Munsbach Viaduct, one of the four expansion joints had to be replaced by a temporary element in autumn 2023. In the meantime, it turned out that the other three joints also had to be replaced. This work will be carried out during the summer holidays, in order to ensure commissioning at the start of the 2024/2025 school year.

The work will take place in two phases:

Temporary joints / work during summer 2024: The first phase of work relating to the temporary joints in the direction of Luxembourg will take place from 12 to 22 July 2024. During this phase, traffic will be bidirectional with a speed limit of 50 km/h (one traffic lane for each direction) in the direction of Germany. The Munsbach exit towards Luxembourg will be closed.

Temporary joints / work after the 2024 collective holidays: The second phase of work relating to the temporary joints in the direction of Germany will begin after the collective summer holidays, from 23 August to 9 September 2024. During this phase, traffic will be bidirectional with a speed limit of 50 km/h in the direction of Luxembourg. The access road towards Germany will be closed.

After the summer 2024 works, the maximum authorised speed will be restored to 70 km/h in both directions, until the major works planned during the 2025 summer holidays.

Final joints / work during summer 2025:

A public submission file is being prepared for the final expansion joints. As the making of the new joints must be made to measure by a specialised and approved manufacturer and given the specificity of the work, the submission file will not be completed until autumn 2024. The work relating to the installation of the four final elements will be carried out during the 2025 summer holidays, in order to limit the impact on traffic.

The final commissioning of the viaduct is planned for the 2025/2026 school year. The maximum authorised speed will return to 130 km/h.