Credit: ACL

The Automobile Club of Luxembourg (ACL) has announed its first Campings market (Campingsmaart) to showcase motorhomes near the Mondercange Karting circuit on Saturday 23 April 2022 from 10:00 to 18:00.

Nomadic tourism is on the rise and leisure vehicles are the ideal solution for anyone in search of freedom. In support, ACL took the opportunity to host its first event dedicated to camping and motorhomes.

On this occasion, a dozen new motorhomes will be exhibited to allow visitors to get an idea of ​​life on board. The ACL partners have selected the best of what currently exists on the market.

Party for the whole family

Individuals are also invited to sell their second-hand motorhomes on the “second-hand market” section of Campingsmaart. The opportunity to discuss and negotiate directly between sellers and buyers in a rural setting is also the spirit of ACL Campingsmaart. In order to facilitate the registration of individuals, the ACL has partnered with the platform, on which the owners of motorhomes for sale will be able to fill out their advertisement online before the event, thus giving them better visibility and allowing the printing for the occasion of complete descriptive sheets.

Additionally, about fifteen stands run by camping and outdoor activities professionals will be on the site to guide choose individually suggested destinations and equipments suited for a tent or motorhome.

The Maison du Cycliste and the ACL karting track will provide on-site entertainment with workshops for young and old as well as many tips and tricks.

In a fun and festive atmosphere, the young visitors will be able to develop their agility on the bike on the ACL pump track, a series of bumps allowing them to work on their balance, their flexibility and their speed. ACL partner Bicycool will offer workshops and cycling school activities. Participants are encouraged to bring their equipment. A few bicycles and helmets will be available on site.