Luxembourg's Government Council has approved a construction project related to the expansion of the infrastructures of Hôpitaux Robert Schuman; plans include the construction of a tower on the Luxembourg-Kirchberg site and an annex for Clinique Bohler.
The Ministry of Health and Fondation des Hôpitaux Robert Schuman (FHRS) confirmed that, as result of the various redevelopment works across the site and in order to be able to expand the healthcare offer, the hospital infrastructures constantly require both additional and reserve surfaces, particularly for the needs of the national ophthalmology service and the orthopaedic service.
Following the foreseen closure of the Clinique Sainte-Marie (CSM) in Esch-sur-Alzette at the end of 2022, the authorities plan to integrate these 85 geriatric rehabilitation beds within the future tower at Hôpital Kirchberg. Other care units with 24 and 34 orthopedic beds and 20 long-stay beds respectively are also planned.
The allocation of the different floors is based on the result of a general study on the objectives of the HRS group at the Kirchberg and ZithaKlinik sites, which was carried out in 2019 with a view to determining the development of future activity as well as the need for the modernisation of existing structures dating from 2003.
Luxembourg's Minister of Health, Paulette Lenert, praised the fact that the HRS will keep on all CSM personnel following the clinc's closure. She also noted the fact that the regrouping in Kirchberg of most of the functionalities of the HRS group will result in an economy of scale and a reduction in operating costs.
The size of the rooms in the care units and the layout of the geriatric rooms will correspond to the recommendations drawn up by the Health Directorate. The increase in the number of one-bed rooms responds to the increased demand from patients for a single room.
The extension of the sterilisation service in the annex ("Zwischenbau") of Clinique Bohler is considered necessary to serve the operating theatres which will be installed in the new tower.
The cost to be borne by the Hospital Fund (Fonds hospitalier) amounts to €148.5 million including tax.