The number of people having tested positive for COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Luxembourg now stands at 2,804 (up 75 from Saturday), including 36 fatalities (up from 31) resulting from the virus, as of 17:30 on Sunday 5 April 2020.
Of those people having tested positive for Coronavirus to date, 2,351 are residents and 453 are non-residents. The average age of those testing positive is 46, while that of the 36 victims (excluding one patient from the Grand Est) who lost their lives to the virus is 86. To date, 233 people have been hospitalised in relation to COVID-19. This includes 33 patients (plus ten from the Grand Est) in intensive care. Nevertheless, 241 have been discharged from hospital. The four recently opened advanced care centres have been receiving 330 people per day.
Since the beginning of the crisis, Luxembourg has carried out a total of 23,687 tests (19,689 on residents, 3,998 on non-residents); from 1 April 2020, the health authorities have expanded testing to include anyone with coronavirus symptoms.
As a reminder, the COVID-19 national hotline is 8002-8080; the hotline for calls made outside Luxembourg is +352-497-719200.
The above graph shows the evolution of the spread of coronavirus in the Grand Duchy on a daily basis since 1 March 2020, with the graph below showing the total figures (cumulative) over the same period.