Luxembourg's Ministry of Justice has announced the nomination of Raphaël Meyer as candidate for the position of national judge at the General Court, a constituent court of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

The ministry explained that the position of the Luxembourg judge at the General Court will become vacant in October 2024. As such, Luxembourg must submit to the conference of representatives of Member State governments the name of the person to be appointed to this position from October.

A call for applications was launched on 26 and 27 April 2024 in local newspapers as well as on the website of the Ministry of Justice and in the Official Journal. A national selection committee was set up by the ministerial decree of 28 May 2024.

The national selection committee held interviews with candidates on 8 July 2024 and proposed that the government appoint Raphaël Meyer to the position of national judge at the General Court. The government has now accepted this candidacy.