Monday 23 September 2024 marked the start of the new academic year for more than 8,200 language learners at Luxembourg's National Institute for Languages (Institut National des Langues Luxembourg - INLL).

As reported by the INLL and Luxembourg's Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the former is offering more than 540 language courses for adults this autumn semester across its three sites (INLL-Glacis, INLL-Belval and INLL-Mersch).

In addition to the country's three administrative languages ​​(Luxembourgish, German and French), the INLL offers courses in English, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and, more recently, Russian for beginners.

According to the INLL, the addition of Russian marks an "important step" for the language school and comes in response to "growing demand" for the language. The A1 level Russian course was fully booked in "a very short time", added the INLL. Beginners will have the opportunity to learn the basics of spoken and written Russian, starting this semester.

The addition of this tenth language is part of the INLL's approach to continually expand its language offering. Other languages ​​will be added in the coming years.

The INLL has also recruited new teachers for the Spanish, Dutch and Italian departments this semester.

To register for a course, within the limit of available places, any interested adult, who is not a beginner in the target language, must take an online test and make an appointment for an orientation interview. They then obtain their recommended language level. Appointments for orientation interviews are possible throughout the school year via

LLO B2 available from start of school year and creation of new A1- level

Launched in September 2022, the free Luxembourgish language learning platform,, counts more than 80,500 registered people, an increase of 19,500 subscribers compared to September 2023.

The platform also informs its visitors about activities related to the Luxembourgish language and culture organised in the region, as well as information meetings for the public or for trainers in the field.

As of 16 September 2024, level B2 has been added to the educational content of the platform, allowing users to reach a more advanced level.

In addition, a new A1- level will be launched in March 2025. Located below the A1 level, this new level is designed to offer a progressive introduction to the Luxembourgish language, particularly suitable for people without any prior knowledge of the language.

In 2023/2024 (both semesters combined), there were 16,701 language learners enrolled at the INLL.