Fabrice Aresu, CEO of LuxTrust and Chairman of CCEL; Credit: CCEL

Following the announcement of the retirement of Yves Reding, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the European Business Reliance Centre (EBRC) and Chairman of Cloud Community Europe Luxembourg (CCEL), CCEL's Board of Directors has appointed Fabrice Aresu, CEO of LuxTrust, as its new Chairman.

Fabrice Aresu will also occupy Yves Reding's seat on the steering committee of the Gaia-X Luxembourg Hub and will resume his mandate on the Board of Directors of ICTLuxembourg.

Since his appointment as Chairman seven years ago, Yves Reding has worked to promote cloud computing and its adoption, emphasising the development of the digital economy and the importance of European digital sovereignty. His tenure was marked by various accomplishments, including:

- the commitment of the CCEL organisation in the "Gaia-X" European ecosystem as well as in the Gaia-X European AISBL;
- the initiation of the creation of the "Luxembourg Gaia-X Hub", a national relay point for the Gaia-X European initiative;
- the organisation of conferences on the European initiative Gaia-X;
- the creation of a new European organisation "Cloud Community Europe" and the modification of the name of the Luxembourg organisation, formerly "EuroCloud Luxembourg";
- the creation of a catalogue of cloud computing services offered by members of the organisation;
- the overhaul of the "Luxembourg Cloud Awards" with new categories including the opening to startups active in cloud computing.

As the new CCEL Chairman, Fabrice Aresu will focus on the following:

- the growth of the organisation and its members;
- strengthening links and initiatives with European organisations and authorities;
- support for various local and international players in their adoption of new cloud products;
- continuing support for ambitious initiatives such as Gaia-X, the European Wallet and others.

All CCEL members joined the administrators of the organisation in thanking Yves Reding for his commitment over the years.

"The cloud is ubiquitous today. With the construction of digital Europe and the launch of the Gaia-X project, our organisation has a unique opportunity to contribute to positioning Luxembourg as the European digital capital. Fabrice, already involved in the GAIA-X project at European level, has all the assets to unite and accelerate our commitment to a sovereign digital Europe", stated Mr Reding.