The Ireland Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (ILCC) has announced that it is holding an online event (webinar) on Tuesday 1 December 2020 at 18:00 on the topic of "Aviation - Letting a Crisis Go to Waste?".
The airline business is in crisis with passenger numbers down more than 50% in Europe alone. In an industry where the difference between major loss and profit is a small change in load factor, the situation is bleak. Some airlines are predicted to fail; even the good ones are receiving government support to survive.
Winston Churchill is quoted as saying “Never waste a good crisis”. There are examples of companies that turned a major crisis to their advantage. So, what does this crisis mean for the airline business and for the infrastructure that supports it?
Participants in the webinar will get an up-to-date report on the current situation. The experts will discuss what this means for the airlines and also for the airports that depend on the flights and the footfall of passengers to survive.
What is being done to respond? What opportunities might exist to take advantage of the crisis? What might the airline industry look like 5 years from now? What will airports look like?
Keynote speaker: Andrew Charlton is the managing director of Aviation Advocacy, an independent air transport focused strategic consulting and government affairs consultancy. He has wide-ranging experience in the legal, commercial and aero-political aspects of all parts of the aviation industry. He has been involved in some of the most major developments in the industry. Previously, Andrew was the Chief Legal Officer of Qantas Airways before being responsible for Government Affairs for IATA and then SITA.
René Steinhaus began his career in 1998 with Fraport AG, working in several positions including Senior Executive Manager at Frankfurt Airport. In 2008, he joined the consulting company A.T. Kearney, first as a Manager and later as Principal in the transportation and travel practice. He was responsible for many strategic and commercial projects within airports and airlines around the world. He joined Lux-Airport in 2016, first as Commercial Director, and has been its CEO since mid-2018.
Colm Moran was the Founder and Chief Executive of Dublin Airports Authority (daa) International. daa International is the international arm of daa Group that manages and operates airports. Prior to his position as Chief Executive, he led the €1.7bn Capital Investment Program across three airports (Dublin, Shannon and Cork) that included the successful delivery of Terminal 2 at Dublin Airport. Before joining the daa Group, he managed the re-development of Dublin’s Lansdowne Road Rugby Stadium (now Aviva Stadium).
18:00 Log-in with Registration Code
18:05 Welcome/logistics explanation by Joe Huggard ILCC Chairman
18:10 Presentations by speakers
19:00 Panel discussion and Questions and Answers
19:15 Close
Prior registration is necessary by email: info@ilcc.lu. Participants will receive log-in details and instruction on how to submit a question.