Spain is celebrating its National Day today, Wednesday 12 October 2022, commemorating the Spanish legacy worldwide, especially in Hispanic America.

On the occasion of the National Day of Spain, also known in Spanish as “Día de la Hispanidad” (Hispanic Day), the country celebrates its history and recognises its achievements, unity and fraternity. The National Day also commemorates the discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus, whose voyages were sponsored by the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, on 12 October 1492. However, the day has attracted controversy, particularly in recent years, with some opposing the perceived celebration of colonialism and others arguing that Columbus did not in fact "discover" the "New World".

In Spain, 12 October is also celebrated as the official Spanish language day, the Feasts of both Our Lady of the Pillar and the Virgin of Guadalupe as well as the Day of the Spanish Armed Forces. In much of Hispanic America, 12 October is an official holiday celebrating the historical and cultural ties between these countries as well as their ties with Spain.

Traditionally, various public and private events are organised throughout Spain to praise the nation's heritage, history, society and people. Notably, the Armed Forces and State Security Forces parade takes place in the capital, Madrid.

In Luxembourg, according to the national persons register, there were 10,429 Spanish nationals (including dual or multiple nationality holders) residing as of 30 September 2022, making the Spanish community the sixth largest community of foreign nationals. Of these 10,429 Spanish nationals in Luxembourg, more than half (52%) were living in Luxembourg City.