Luxembourg's Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs and the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity have strengthened their partnership through the signing of a first memorandum of understanding (MoU).
On Monday 3 July 2023, Luxembourg's Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, Franz Fayot, and the CEO of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity (LHC), Pascal Steichen, signed an MoU structuring the implementation of future collaborative projects between LHC and Luxembourg's Development Cooperation and its partners at national and international level.
This strengthened partnership forms part of the increased commitment of Luxembourg's Development Cooperation in the field of "Digital for Development" (D4D). According to the Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, Luxembourg's Development Cooperation intends to support its partner countries by supporting their digital transformation, which aims to be inclusive, green, human-centered and trustworthy. To achieve this vision, Luxembourg's Development Cooperation is strengthening its commitment to the promotion and implementation of innovation in the service of development and humanitarian action, in particular by supporting innovative partnerships, approaches and instruments in areas where Luxembourg may be able to offer a distinct advantage. These include, among other things, capacity building in response to cyber incidents, raising awareness of the related risks and training to protect against them, and the analysis and sharing of information and intelligence on cyberattacks.
The collaboration between the Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs and the LHC is expected to continue to mobilise Luxembourg's expertise in cybersecurity for the benefit of a secure digital transformation.
The MoU aims to reinforce the cross-cutting nature during the design and implementation of joint projects. It is open to the implementation of projects with all types of Luxembourg Development Cooperation partners, in particular under the aegis of bilateral cooperation and in collaboration with partners in the multilateral and humanitarian areas, private sector, civil society and research sectors.