The LCGB and OGBL trade unions have reported that, following the recent transfer of the CargoCenter activities, a first collective agreement has guaranteed working conditions and salaries at Luxcargo Handling.
On Friday 24 January 2025, the contracting unions LCGB, the majority trade union representing staff at the organisation, and OGBL signed a first collective labour agreement for the 1,200 employees of Luxcargo Handling, as provided for in the staff transfer agreement signed between the company and the contracting unions on 21 December 2023.
According to the trade unions, this first collective agreement faithfully incorporates all the applicable conditions provided for by the Luxair collective agreement as well as the additional measures provided for in the agreement of 21 December 2023, including:
- As of 1 May 2024, Luxcargo Handling applied a two-step increase to all employees affected by the transfer of activities from Luxair to Luxcargo Handling.
- Employees transferred to Luxcargo Handling benefit from a job guarantee. In the event of possible overstaffing, no redundancies for economic reasons will take place and, if necessary, Luxcargo Handling undertakes to negotiate a job retention plan (PME) with the contracting unions.
The collective agreement is applicable retroactively from the date of the transfer of personnel for a period of two years until 30 April 2026. This agreement not only provides a guarantee as to working conditions and salary, but also guarantees the jobs and livelihoods of employees while recognising the unwavering commitment of the staff throughout the last few years.
At the end of May 2023, Luxair had decided to no longer participate in the tender concerning the licenses for "Ground handling cargo". As a result, according to the unions, the 1,200 employees of the CargoCenter had to go through a huge ordeal of seven months with uncertainties and concerns about the sustainability of their jobs and working conditions; after numerous steps by the unions, including multiple meetings with all parties involved and the organisation of a protest picket on 29 September 2023, a global agreement in the interest of all CargoCenter staff was finally reached.