(L-R) Steve Heiliger, CGFP Secretary General; Luc Frieden, Prime Minister of Luxembourg; Romain Wolff, President of CGFP; Credit: ME

Luxembourg's Ministry of State and the Ministry of the Civil Service have reported that a meeting took place on Tuesday 30 July 2024 between Prime Minister Luc Frieden and the president and the secretary general of the CGFP public sector (civil service) union.

The ministries said this meeting was part of "constructive" discussions in recent weeks between Prime Minister Luc Frieden and the Minister of the Civil Service, Serge Wilmes, and representatives of the CGFP.

To put an end to the concerns expressed regarding compliance with the wage agreement, the government has undertaken not to table during the current legislative period any bill that would aim to introduce a generalised evaluation system in the civil service.

In addition, as provided for in the wage agreement, management by objectives will be maintained and, in this context, annual individual interviews between employees and their hierarchical superior will be mandatory.

Moreover, the ministries recalled that, as provided for in the wage agreement signed on 9 December 2022, the Government Council (Luxembourg's cabinet) already approved on 15 April 2024 a draft law abolishing the evaluation system as it was introduced in the civil service in 2015 - with the exception of the evaluation system that has existed within the Luxembourg Army since the 1950s.

The CGFP had previously called for the abolition of the skill assessment (evaluation) system.