Luxembourg has ranked 4th in Europe for the number of coding activities organised in relation to its population size.

At the end of January 2022, the European Commission presented the results of the 2021 edition of EU Code Week, which set a new record with more than 78,000 activities organised in 79 countries.

According to Luxembourg's Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the Grand Duchy has demonstrated its dynamism in this area since 2020. Luxembourg currently ranks 4th in terms of the number of activities organised according to the number of inhabitants (148 activities in 2020 and 222 in 2021). The ministry has attributed this success to the implementation of the “Einfach kodéieren” (simply code) project, which gradually introduces coding into teaching in Luxembourg schools. Since September 2020, coding skills have been developed in cycle 4 of primary school education together with mathematical skills. Since the start of the 2021 school year, coding has been taught transversally in cycles 1 to 3. In September 2021, a new discipline called "digital sciences" was introduced in secondary schools, as well.

EU Code Week is a grassroots movement supported by the European Commission. It aims to make coding and digital culture accessible to everyone, in a fun and engaging way, through activities organised around the world by teachers and coding enthusiasts. It contributes to achieving the goals of "Europe's Digital Decade", which aims for 80% of the EU population to have digital skills.

EU Code Week is mainly aimed at primary and secondary school pupils, but all young people and adults can take part in several activities and games at home.

The 10th edition of EU Code Week will take place from 8 to 23 October 2022.

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