BEE SECURE, the National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD) and the Cybersecurity Competence Center Luxembourg (C3) have joined forces to launch SPAMBEE, a tool that allows users to anonymously diagnose their suspicious spam or phishing emails.
As spam and phishing attacks increase year after year, they cause constant stress for users. In 2020, the Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL) received reports of 130,0000 phishing attacks, of which 4% were in Luxembourg. Deloitte confirmed that 91% of cyberattacks start with a phishing attempt via email.
C3, in partnership with BEE SECURE and CNPD, has now released SPAMBEE, the new national solution against spam and phishing. Once installed, SPAMBEE is a plug-in that allows everyone, with a simple click, to provide relevant authorities and experts with important information in order to fight cybercriminals. Processed suspicious emails feed a database of senders to ban.
SPAMBEE protects personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as only the relevant technical information for the analysis is transmitted. The email’s content and recipient’s name are not shared.
SPAMBEE is free of charge and can be installed on most browsers and email clients. This tool is available in French, Luxembourgish, German and English.
This launch is part of the Safer Internet Day 2021, which will be held on Tuesday 9 February.