ICTluxembourg has adopted a new business plan in response to the challenges of digitalisation.

At its meeting of 7 February 2019, the Board of Directors of ICTluxembourg decided to transform the organisation, which brings together federations and associations whose members supply/use ICT solutions and services. In this context, ICTLuxembourg is adopting a new business plan.

The plan is considered necessary in view of the statutory modifications decided last December. Indeed, the new statutes allow a direct membership of companies and individuals to the organisation, thus allowing the federation of a growing number of actors from Luxemburg's ICT ecosystem around topical and relevant topics for the national economy, including raising awareness, disseminating knowledge, training, attracting talent, promoting the ICT sector and its attractiveness and dialogue between the ICT sector and the government and public authorities.

The Board similarly accepted the resignation of Gérard Hoffmann as Vice-Chairman, which will be taken over by Marc Hemmerling, representative of the ABBL, alongside Yves Reding and Vincent Lekens, who were appointed Vice-Chairman and Chairman respectively in December 2018. Marc Hemmerling will also assume the role of Secretary General, while Gérard Hoffmann will remain a member of the Board of Directors.

In addition, the Board of Directors conferred the title of Chairman of the Honorary Board of Directors on Gérard Hoffmann, who met the challenge posed by the political authorities on the one hand and the suppliers and users of ICT solutions and services on the other to set up a representative organisation supporting ICT players in the development of their business.

Finally the Board admitted the CLUSIL, Information Security Club - Luxembourg, as a new member of the association.