The General Inspectorate of Social Security (IGSS) has announced that two new services relating to supplementary pension schemes are now available online on

Thus, insured persons who benefit from affiliation with a supplementary pension scheme set up by their employer or with a supplementary pension scheme for the self-employed can consult information on the pension schemes to which they are affiliated and on the rights that they have acquired under these schemes.

This authentic source can be accessed in the private area on under the “My data” tab by selecting “Supplementary pension” in the “Employment” section.

Likewise, companies that have set up a supplementary pension plan for the benefit of their employees will be able to consult related information made available by the IGSS, such as the nature and date of activation of registered pension plans, the compliance status of their supplementary pension scheme, the financing and the number of employees affiliated to the scheme.

To access data concerning its supplementary pension plan, the company must have a professional space on and must certify it using an access code, which will be communicated to it by the IGSS.

For the two IGSS authentic source consultation services, only data relating to financial years 2022 and later can be consulted. It will only be available provided that the manager of the supplementary pension scheme has communicated the required data to the IGSS.

Intending to digitalise its communications with companies concerning their supplementary pension scheme, the IGSS also plans to set up, in a second phase, an eDelivery service via the secure MyGuichet platform.