Each year, the volunteers of Médecins du Monde Luxembourg work in Luxembourg with a population in a very precarious situation. These particularly vulnerable groups (people who are homeless, poorly housed, migrant, precarious or casual workers, etc.) face administrative and/or economic barriers preventing them from having access to the national social protection system and therefore to medical care.  

Each day, in Luxembourg, Médecins du Monde offers them care consultations, free and without appointment. In 2017, 2,144 consultations were offered to 784 people.

In order to ensure the medical follow-up of the people who call on them, Médecins du Monde Luxembourg has developed a secure web portal enabling the 70 or so volunteers involved in the care field to access the Electronic Health Record (Dossier de Soins Informatisé – DSI). This central portal gathers data collected in the various health centres around the country, thus facilitating patient support.   

The DSI is a great tool for keeping track of our patients in general medicine, dental care, mental health care, social counselling and specialist care,” explained Sylvie Martin, Executive Manager. "Its realisation has been made possible thanks to the support of a foundation and companies wishing to invest socially. The DSI represents a robust chain of medical solidarity between the economic world and an association working in the social field.” 

As the data on these people are sensitive and in order to comply with the General Regulations on Data Protection (GRDP), the association has benefited from the integration of the LuxTrust portal for the authentication of its volunteers.

The protection of personal data is a right of everyone. Its implementation should not, however, be a brake on the dematerialization of processes. We are delighted to contribute to the development of public utility platforms such as Médecins du Monde Luxembourg. At LuxTrust, we believe that digitisation should benefit everyone, including the less fortunate who have other types of basic needs, and require more structured support," said Pascal Rogiest, CEO of LuxTrust.