Credit: MINFIN

On Tuesday 31 January 2023, Luxembourg's Minister of Finance, Yuriko Backes, inaugurated the new building of the Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority (Administration de l'enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA - AED).

The "Omega" building is located at 308 Route d'Esch in Luxembourg-Gasperich and will bring together all the administrative services based in Luxembourg City, with the exception of the Directorate.

With the new "Luxembourg Guichet Unique" (LGU) office, individuals and businesses will now have access to all AED services at a single address, as part of an administrative simplification.

According to Luxembourg's Ministry of Finance, the LGU is the first point of contact between the administration and the public. It offers assistance in all AED-related competences, such as VAT, registration duties, mortgage duties, inheritance and death duties. The LGU is designed to meet the demand for a physical presence of the administration, in addition to its offer of online services. The building features a reception area, as well as several visit rooms and meeting rooms. The LGU also allows questions to be answered by internet, email or videoconference.

The reception counter is open Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00. Other contact options are available, in particular online at and via tel.: 247-80800.

Outside Luxembourg City, the public can still access services in the offices in Diekirch, Esch-sur-Alzette and Grevenmacher.

During the inauguration, Romain Heinen, Director of the AED, thanked Luxembourg's Minister of Finance for her continued support in the administration's efforts to simplify the daily lives of citizens, businesses and civil servants, and to establish a relationship of trust between the administration and its users.

Minister Backes commented: "I am delighted that the AED can now welcome users on a single site, in a modern and functional building. Even though more and more procedures are possible online, human contact remains important. The establishment of this new AED 'One-Stop Shop' underlines the desire of the Ministry of Finance and the administrations under its supervision to offer citizens and businesses quality services, focused on their needs. This new building also offers an improved working environment for AED agents, whom I would like to thank for their daily commitment."