Vianden Nut Market 2024; Credit: Jazmin Campbell/

The traditional Vianden Nut Market (Veiner Nëssmoort) took place in this small medieval town on Sunday 13 October 2024.

On the second Sunday of October each year, thousands of people flock to Vianden to purchase walnuts and other nut-themed products (soap, jam, baked goods...), as well as to enjoy live music, food and drinks on-site. Favourite beverages at the fair include "Nëssdrepp", "Nëssliqueur" and "Nësscème".

This year's sunny weather helped draw the crowds, with people of all ages (together with their dogs and even a cat) attending the event.

In 1902, about 20% of all nuts in Luxembourg came from Vianden. Since its first edition in 1935, the Vianden Nut Market has become an increasingly popular folk festival, run by the Veiner Nëssmoort asbl.