On Stéitsch 2024;

The seventeenth edition of the "On Stéitsch" music festival took place at the Rotondes in Luxembourg-Bonnevoie on Saturday 21 September 2024.

Organised by the National Youth Service (SNJ), the festival provides a platform for young artists to showcase their talent and perform on stage.

The 2024 edition once again offered a varied programme: about 35 groups performed on the Open Air Stage, including Edy Horvay, rapper Lejetski and dance groups Espérence and Lil Soldiers. On the Klub Stage, ten music groups of all genres, including Stage Beggin and Dystate, had the opportunity to present their favourite tracks. The brand new DJ Stage welcomed DJ Sveni Delux and DJFR3SH for the first time.

Apart from the musical aspect, visitors could discover information stands, including ANIJ and Trisomie 21 Lëtzebuerg, as well as sports and artistic workshops.

Various artworks were exhibited as part of a partnership with JuKoWo (JugendKonschtWoch), a cultural event for young artists.