Schungfabrik Tétange will be hosting the “This is a Human’s World” festival on Saturday 9 September 2023.

The 3rd edition of this cross-disciplinary cultural festival (once focused on the feminist cause) will now be focusing on broader themes related to feminism and “the beauty of humanity in all its forms.

The event will offer a mix of concerts and artistic performances aiming to honour marginalised communities. This year’s theme is the concept of the “mask” and an exploration of its manifold manifestations.

A “masked market” in the Schungfabrik courtyard will showcase artwork and information stands. A DJ and skaters competing and showing their best tricks will perform outdoors. The museum will present “SKATEBOARDING IS NOT AN EXHIBITION”.

A dark humour stand-up comedy show, a preview of the exhibition “Masquerade” and performances by the French garage rock band Tequila Savate, Melbourne’s doom metal band Divide and Dissolve and the experimental rock band Oxbow will complete the offer for the day.  

The festival will take place from 15:00 to 01:00. Entry is free. 

For full details, including the detailed programme, see or contact