Addressing the subject of light pollution, the Naturpark Our Freides (Our Fridays nature park) is organising the Respect the Night conference in Pëtschent (Centre Culturel "Plaz fir All", 8 Veinerstrooss) on Friday 8 November from 09:00 - 18:00.
Now that it is getting darker again earlier in the evening, the reflex in many places is to light up more, or for longer.
The conference is open to everyone, but aims above all to inform municipalities, companies and partly also clubs and organisations about this subject.
International speakers and exciting round tables are on the programme.
The field visit, which takes place from 18:00 - 20:00, is particularly interesting. In this context, the smart lighting installations of the municipality of Pëtschent will be presented.
Prior registration is required as lunch is included, by email: