On Wednesday 31 July 2024, Luxembourg’s Environment Agency announced it checked 45 samples of single-use electronic cigarettes and e-liquids.

These products were purchased at eleven points of sale, primarily specialist vape shops, as well as petrol stations and tobacco shops.

The checks mainly focused on labelling and packaging. The Environment Agency checked whether the packaging has the necessary child safety as well as the mandatory tactile warning (tactile warning tiles or attention tiles indicate particular dangers for the blind or visually impaired). Concerning these two elements, no non-conformities were detected, but the labelling was deemed insufficient for 27 products.

20 samples showed non-compliance with the legislation, such as the absence of pictograms, warnings, hazard statements or the labels were not written in the national language (French or German). These products were banned from sale. For seven products, the packaging marking was not satisfactory and an information letter will be sent to economic operators to encourage voluntary corrective measures.

Luxembourg’s Health Directorate assisted the Environment Agency in verifying whether the products had been notified in Luxembourg according to the Tobacco Act. 39 of the 45 products checked were not notified and therefore cannot be sold on the Luxembourg market.

The thirteen single-use electronic cigarettes containing liquid were analysed for their chemical composition. All of these products complied with the restrictions.

The Health Directorate noted it will send a reminder letter to the offending sellers. The list of compliant and non-compliant products is available on the portal of Luxembourg’s Ministry of Health and Social Security.

The Environment Agency stressed that so-called "disposable" electronic cigarettes are electronic waste that is collected by Ecotrel and must not under any circumstances be thrown into the black bin or into nature.