On Wednesday 3 July 2024, Luxembourg's Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity announced the appointment of Luxinnovation as the National Contact Point for the European Union (EU) Innovation Fund.

The EU Innovation Fund aims to bring to the market solutions such as renewable energy, hydrogen, energy storage, carbon capture, use and storage to decarbonise European industry, by promoting their production and use in energy-intensive industries. It was established by the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) Directive for the period 2021-2030.

Countries eligible for funding from the Innovation Fund actively participate in its implementation. As such, each country designates a National Contact Point to ensure a first point of information at local level. This contact point provides further information on the fund and in particular on its interactions with national funding instruments and other EU programmes.

As the competent authority in this matter, the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity has announced that Luxinnovation will henceforth act as this contact point in Luxembourg. Luxinnovation will provide all the necessary support services to Luxembourg stakeholders in their potential applications to the Innovation Fund, namely: identification of the alignment of project ideas with the scope of the fund; advice on the structure of proposal to meet fund requirements; reviewing proposals; legal and financial advice; organising promotional events.

"As access to finance is one of the key factors for decarbonisation, I am pleased to be able to announce that the Ministry of the Environment has just appointed Luxinnovation as National Contact Point within the framework of the EU Innovation Fund," commented Serge Wilmes, Luxembourg's Minister of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity. "Drawing on long-standing experience with European programmes, Luxinnovation will support Luxembourg companies in their applications to the fund."

"We are proud of the confidence placed in our ability to provide services enabling businesses to receive funding for their innovative projects. The inclusion of the EU Innovation Fund in our portfolio of programmes allows us to offer businesses a synergistic range of instruments supporting the green transition," added Sasha Baillie, CEO of Luxinnovation.