Credit: B&B Action Weeks

Luxembourg’s Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity has announced that it is organising, in collaboration with its partners, the third edition of the B&B Action Weeks.

The initiative forms part of the national action plan for pollinating insects (2021-2026) and offers the public an opportunity to discover the world of pollinating insects during excursions and workshops, as well as to learn how to protect and promote them.

From 17 May to 9 June 2024, a variety of family-friendly activities are being organised across the Grand Duchy to explore the diversity of pollinating insects and learn how to help them survive and thrive in gardens or other green spaces.

The dedicated website features the activity calendar but also a list of “5 simple actions for pollinators” that people can implement to provide habitats, food sources and a healthy environment for wild bees, butterflies and other pollinators. These are: plant more flowers, shrubs and trees; let vegetation grow more wildly; mow grass less often; do not disturb insect nests and hibernation sites; do not poison nature. The website also presents projects run by partner organisations in favour of pollinators. The ministry added that these projects are financed by the environmental protection fund.

The ministry recalled the important role played by pollinating insects in our ecosystems and the monetary value of the pollination service they provide each year (estimated at more than €150 billion worldwide). In order to halt the decline of pollinating insects, the government is implementing its national action plan aimed at preserving and promoting pollinators. The ministry added that Luxembourg is,home to an “astonishing diversity” of pollinators. For example, 346 species of wild bees and 89 species of butterflies have been reported ere to date.

The third edition of the B&B Action Weeks revolves around the projects led by various partners:

- Nature and Forestry Agency (projects: creation of pollinator gardens that will serve as demonstration gardens, guides to raise awareness and inform various target stakeholders);
- CELL - Centre for Ecological Learning Luxembourg (“Polynatur” project);
- EBL - Ëmweltberodung Lëtzebuerg ASBL (“Mäin éischt Bestëbser-Buch” project);
- National Museum of Natural History & Fondation Faune et Flore (projects: preserving threatened pollinators through action plans for certain species; BeeKey - Empowering Luxembourg's wild bee taxonomy and conservation; - online database on wild bees in Luxembourg; Atlas of Luxembourg hoverflies);
- natur&ëmwelt (projects: Bestëbser - méi wéi Beien; Bestëbser - méi Wëssen);
- nature parks (“Naturparken zu Lëtzebuerg - een Insekteräich” project);
- SICONA union (“Protection, conservation and management of pollinators and their habitats on municipal lands in the south-west and centre of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (2023-2027)” project);
- SIAS union (projects: promoting pollinators in the Moselle wine region; promoting pollinators in urban areas);
- municipality of Bettembourg (“Habitat development in favour of pollinators in the municipality of Bettembourg” project);
- Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST; projects: CITIPOL - Integration of citizens into the wild pollinator monitoring programme in Luxembourg; DESPOT - Evaluation of viruses in wild pollinators).

Further information is available online at