Luxembourg's Environment Agency has announced that applications for "Klimabonus Wunnen" (sustainable housing) subsidies can now be submitted digitally.

In order to speed up the processing of applications for Klimabonus financial aid, applicants can now submit their requests for Klimabonus Wunnen subsidies (for new constructions, renovations, photovoltaic installations, heat pumps, wood heating, etc.) via

Since 2013, approximately 29,000 applications for Klimabonus (formerly "PrimeHouse") financial aid have been processed and financial aid of up to €197,000,000 has been paid to individuals. These aid schemes relate, for example, to heat pump installations, photovoltaic installations, insulation work on facades and other works which improve the energy performance of a building. Following the energy crisis, demand currently remains very high, particularly in terms of photovoltaic installations, heat pumps and wood heating systems, noted the authorities.

Since June 2023, applicants for subsidies for bicycles and e-bikes have also been able to submit their requests digitally via Since May 2020, the launch date of the "Neistart Lëtzebuerg" programme, approximately 67,000 bicycle applications have been submitted, of which 50,996 have been paid for a approximate amount of €22,000,000.

According the Environment Agency, the digitalisation (since October 2022) of applications for financial aid for private electric vehicle charging stations and the recruitment of additional staff has made it possible to shorten the waiting period from four months to a few weeks currently. With demand remaining high, there are currently five available jobs (details on

"The gradual success of this programme demonstrates the willingness of citizens to invest in sustainable and more responsible solutions, in the context of the ecological transition. Taking into account the components 'sustainable mobility' (Klimabonus Mobilitéit), 'housing' (Klimabonus Wunnen) as well as the ecological incentive bonuses, more than 66,000 bonuses have been granted over the past two years, of which 36,000 in the past twelve months," noted Luxembourg's Minister of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable development, Joëlle Welfring. "The digitalisation efforts made and in progress [...] allow us to speed up and further facilitate the procedures so that good practices are always also the easiest and most effective." 

The Environment Agency and teams are currently working on the digitalisation of procedures for electric vehicles (Klimabonus Mobilitéit), which will mark the complete digitalisation of the four main Klimabonus aid schemes. For all these schemes combined (renovation, housing and mobility), €405,058,658 in subsidies have been paid out since 2013.