Luxembourg's three nature parks (Our, Upper Sûre and Mullerthal) have announced that the winners of the 2021 edition of the "Äre Projet (m)am Naturpark" (your project with / in the nature park") competition, on.perfekt, are launching a crowdfunding campaign on Tuesday 18 January 2022.
The on.perfekt cooperative has been fighting against food waste for the past year by organising a monthly pop-up store selling "imperfect" foods, such as vegetables that do not comply with marketing standards or foodstuffs past their expiry date, on the basis of "pay what it's worth". The cooperative has also raised awareness among different target groups on the subject of food waste, as well as helping local and regional producers with the harvest.
Following the success of its monthly pop-up store, the cooperative now plans to professionalise its work. The ultimate goal is to create a sustainable sales channel for foods that do not fit the norm. This includes the preparation and distribution of boxes of vegetables by subscription, but also a shop where imperfect foods can be sold.
Moreover, on.perfekt aims to contribute to the national goal of halving food waste, supporting local producers and traders and educating consumers on use-by dates and food standards.
Via the Startnext crowdfunding platform, the on.perfekt cooperative aims to raise a total of €95,000 for the opening of the first on-perfekt shop in Luxembourg. The principle of "all or nothing" applies, meaning that the sum of the project will only be paid if the minimum amount required is reached within one month. Otherwise, the donations are refunded.
People who support the project can choose from a range of thank you gifts, such as vouchers, vegetable boxes or others, as well as the traditional donations. To support this crowdfunding campaign (from 18 January 2022), visit https://www.startnext.com/onperfekt-buttek.
on.perfekt is a cooperative, owned and managed by its members. It is also a social enterprise (Société à impact social - SIS) which undertakes to invest 100% of profits in the achievement of its ecological and social objectives.