The Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy and the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning have launched a second call for projects to encourage companies to set up and operate photovoltaic solar power plants in Luxembourg, with the aim of enabling them to use the electricity produced themselves.
This follows a first call for projects launched in November 2022, which attracted 106 applications.
Part of the "Solidaritéitspak 2.0" concluded at the tripartite meeting on 20 September 2022, this investment aid aims to encourage companies to produce their own energy, in its entirety or in part. The various projects submitted will then be put out to tender, in accordance with the amended Act of 15 December 2017 on an aid scheme for environmental protection.
With an overall maximum budget of €20 million, divided into four lots, which vary according to the size of the power plant, the call for projects is open from 15 July until 31 October 2023. The maximum amount of aid is defined as follows:
- lot 1: > 30 kWp and ≤ 200 kWp (external envelopes of Buildings; Land ZAE) will receive a maximum amount of aid of €745/kWc (or a maximum aid of 55%);
- lot 2:> 200 kWp and ≤ 500 kWp (external envelopes of Buildings; Land ZAE) will receive a maximum amount of aid of €565/kWc (or a maximum of 50% aid);
- lot 3: > 500 kWp and ≤ 5 MWp (external envelopes of Buildings; Land ZAE) will receive a maximum amount of aid of €480/kWc (or a maximum of 45% aid);
- lot 4: > 30 kWp and ≤ 5 MWp (Umbrellas) will receive a maximum of €745/kWc (or a maximum of 40% aid ).
Companies have until 31 October 2023 to submit their project to install and operate a photovoltaic power plant, in order to receive financial support. Applications for investment aid should be submitted via the platform. An information sheet detailing the terms and conditions of this aid (including specifications and FAQs) is available on
Two information webinars will be organised, with the support of Luxinnovation, to explain to businesses the details and practicalities of these calls for projects. These will take place on 14 September (in French) and 21 September 2023 (in English). The webinars are free but registration is compulsory.