Credit: Embassy of Ireland in Luxembourg

The Embassy of Ireland in Luxembourg has announced its decision to cancel its St. Patrick's Day celebration, scheduled for Tuesday 17 March 2020, amid coronavirus fears.

In a statement issued earlier today, the Irish Embassy stressed that its decision to cancel this year's official St. Patrick's Day celebration was "not taken lightly" and that it "follows close monitoring of the situation in Luxembourg and nearby countries, and the advice of public authorities, as well as intense discussions with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Dublin and our Embassy network across mainland Europe".

The cancellation applies to the Irish Ambassador's formal reception for St. Patrick's Day, which traditionally brings together representatives from the Luxembourg government, leaders from the financial and business sectors and ambassadors from other countries, as well as members of the Irish community in Luxembourg and other dignitaries. 

The Irish Embassy added that it hopes to be able to host a similar event later in the year "when the current corona/COVID-19 virus threat has dissipated".