Restopolis, the school and university catering service of the Ministry of National Education, Childhood and Youth, has received the "Fairtrade Zone" certificate.
The president of the "Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg" asbl, Jean-Louis Zeien, officially presented the certificate on Wednesday 25 October 2017 to the manager of Restopolis-Services, Monique Ludovicy, as part of a ceremony on the eduPôle of the Ministry in Walferdange.
To qualify for the certificate in question, a catering establishment must always offer fair trade products, including Fairtrade coffee. The certification is made visible by a certificate and a sticker displayed in restaurants and cafeterias.
Restopolis' 105 restaurants and cafeterias are now the largest "Fairtrade Zone" in Luxembourg. For many years, the school and university catering service has supported the actions of the "Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg" asbl and intends to continue its commitment to fair trade. The fruitful collaboration between Restopolis and the non-profit organisation started in 2009 with the organisation of a first theme week "World Week and Fair Trade". Since then, the use of Fair Trade products is a firm commitment of Restopolis.
Restopolis regularly organises "Fairtrade" weeks or fortnights under various slogans to familiarise its customers with Fairtrade products and farmers' working conditions. Currently, Restopolis' Fairtrade range includes products such as coffee, rice, tea, chocolate, bananas and pineapples.
The "Fairtrade Zone" certification is another step towards visualising Restopolis' "Fairtrade" commitment and reaffirming its commitment to continue the path towards a more equitable future, side by side with the "Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg" asbl.