Luxembourg resident Madhumalti Sharma (Founder, Workshop4Me a.s.b.l, Simplify coding, EU Code Week Ambassador - Luxembourg) and Avanti, 11 year-old Technology Specialist, will be representing Luxembourg by speaking at the Wonder Woman in Tech conference during the London Tech week.
It is a revolutionary time for women everywhere. Statistics have been shared, conversations have been started, and women across the globe are raising their voices in the most remarkable ways. For too long, the female population has been underestimated in the workplace and ignored throughout their career. A new era has arrived, full of hardworking, intelligent women who are just asking for the respect and acknowledgment they deserve. From elementary school girls who are afraid to join the science club, all the way through the underrepresented women in technology, Wonder Women Tech has only one message for you: "We have heard you and we are here".
Founded in 2014, Wonder Women Tech (WWT) is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to highlight, educate, and celebrate women and the underrepresented in the science, technology, engineering, arts, and math industries (S.T.E.A.M.), as well as innovation and entrepreneurialism. The goal is simple. They want to arm women with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed throughout different industries and promote professional inclusivity and diversity.
One of the top challenges tech companies in the UK may be facing is related to Brexit. According to The Tech Nation, London tech startups have the fourth largest international workforce in the world. The concern lies in how immigration will be affected before and after Brexit. With over half of the London tech workforce coming from outside the UK, access to much needed diverse talent will be limited.
Did you know that less than 22% of C-Suite positions are occupied by women? How is it that in 2017, 46.5% of occupations were held by women yet they held only 27% of computing jobs? Wonder Women Tech is striving to change those statistics for the better.
Ineffective societal norms are placed on young girls, and the statistics reflect that. It starts with childhood education. Encouraging girls to have a wide variety of interests and introducing them to science and technology from a young age can prove to be very beneficial. Having them attend programmes like Wonder Women camps is the first step towards change.
It is not lost on Wonder Women Tech founder, Lisa Mae Brunson, that there are many women to be reached and much work to be done to build a future full of professional inclusivity. With drive and hard work, Wonder Women Tech has reached an audience of close to ten thousand. WWT has helped women get on the path towards their future and helped form many careers for women in male dominated industries. Through educating others, exposing youth to S.T.E.A.M. related careers, cultivating career development, and providing networking opportunities, together we can finally see a day where there are no limitations to a woman’s worth or position in any industry.
With the wage gap, still being 18.4% between men and women, women are still having to prove that they are good enough at what they do. Women should not have to be constantly labeled or stereotyped as a certain job. Little girls should be told they can do whatever they want with their life, rather than be discouraged and told they should choose a certain occupation that is more suited to their gender. Women should be seen as what they are, human beings.
All the inequality and injustice that a woman faces can be discouraging, so let’s think about change instead. Wonder Women Tech is taking you to the finish line.
The Wonder Women Tech London Conference takes place on Friday 15 June 2018, at the Plexal Technology Innovation Centre. The speaker line up consists of inspirational professionals from Blackrock, DLA Piper, the Ministry of Justice, Bloomberg, Intel, Facebook, and the list goes on...
You can purchase tickets at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wonder-women-techs-2nd-london-internationalconference-tickets-42668427415