Restopolis organizes a "Iess gär, wiel fair” thematic fortnight from 2 to 12 May to highlight fair trade food in all its restaurants.

Since 2009, the school and university catering service of the Ministry of National Education, Childhood and Youth has placed a week under the theme "Fairtrade" to familiarise its guests with fair trade products and the conditions of the working poor.

Resopolis’ commitment plays out in the long term through the constant increase in the list of equitable products sold and used. The criteria for awarding public bids also stipulate that products such as coffee, tea, bananas and pineapples must be fair trade.

In the menus, dishes based on fair trade products are clearly marked with a pictogram with the label "Fairtrade".

During the thematic fortnight, a new brochure entitled "Iess gär, wiel fair" will be distributed in the 108 restaurants and cafeterias managed by Restopolis — downloadable on The publication highlights current efforts to promote the introduction of fair trade products in collective catering and contains a small historical overview of fair trade, as well as tips for the reader to support the Fairtrade trade. 

Guests will find at least one dish on the menu that contains products from the Fairtrade trade.

Restopolis will also be present in nine high schools, from 2 to 12 May 2017, with an information stand to answer questions concerning the production of fair trade products, the processing of Fairtrade foods and dishes based on foods derived from Fair trade.

An online contest around fair trade products will win many prizes.