Luxembourg's Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees and the Coordinator of Club Aktiv Plus have announced that "Club Senior" is becoming "Club Aktiv Plus".
After 25 years, Club Senior is marking a turning point in its history by changing its name to Club Aktiv Plus. The new name "reflects the contemporary needs of a dynamic generation in transition".
"Our customers are active and don't identify with a Club Senior," said the club managers who campaigned for the name change. "The offers range from yoga and cycling to computer courses, literature evenings, excursions and creative workshops. We are not outdated meeting places where people only play bingo twice a month. Instead, we are lively centres of exchange and lifelong learning for people who enjoy further development and social interaction."
The ministry and the club coordinator added that the 23 clubs in Luxembourg offer a wide range of activities and events specially designed for people who want to stay active when approaching or already having reached retirement. The focus is on social encounters, courses, exercise, intergenerational and intercultural exchange and the promotion of social participation. From Hupperdange in the north to Differdange in the south, "everyone is welcome everywhere". One's place of residence is irrelevant, as is one's age.
In addition to the name change, a website and an image film have been developed. The club pages, which present a small selection of the activities of all clubs on a quarterly basis, have also been redesigned. The full range of activities offered by the individual clubs can be found in their respective brochures.
Club Aktiv Plus is an initiative of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees and is already supported by 83 municipalities and fourteen sponsoring organisations. At an operational level, a representative affiliated to GERO - Kompetenzzenter fir den Alter is responsible for the coordination of Club Aktiv Plus. Further information is available on the new website: www.clubaktivplus.lu or via email: contact@clubaktivplus.lu.