Credit: Luxembourg Youth Parliament

On Friday 22 March 2024, the Luxembourg Youth Parliament announced it recently celebrated its fifteenth anniversary with around 60 of its members present, including a number of Luxembourg political personalities at Mesa Verde in Luxembourg-Ville.

The President of the Chamber of Deputies (Luxembourg’s Parliament), Claude Wiseler, the Prime Minister, Luc Frieden, Luxembourg's Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch, and numerous other political figures, among which Martine Kemp, Isabel Wiseler-Lima, Liam Bremer, Djuana Bernard, Charles Goerens, Jana Degrott and Tilly Metz.

The celebration highlighted the importance of the Youth Parliament, whose aim is to represent the voice of the Luxembourgish youth. The group noted it also serves as a “seismograph”, discussing issues that will soon be debated in the real parliament, and as a neutral forum where young activists can develop and learn to use their voice. 

Several MPs and ministers are former members of the Youth Parliament, a great success considering its short existence, the group added. 

Finally, the Youth Parliament had the pleasure of announcing that it would be launching a petition for the right to vote from the age of sixteen.