The Irish Club of Luxembourg has confirmed that its annual Children's Christmas Party will take place on Sunday 10 December 2023 from 14:00 to 16:00 at the Black Stuff Irish Pub (15 Val de Hamm).
As in previous years, the event will take the form of a Santa's Grotto to give as many children as possible the opportunity to visit Santa in person. As space is limited, those registered will be allocated a time to attend with their child(ren).
Santa will be installed in his grotto inside the Black Stuff. With the help of his elves, he will greet each child and give them each a small gift. All families will also have their photo taken with Santa (for publication on social media).
This event is being supported by Cactus.
The price for Santa's Grotto is €8.50/child (€6 for children of members). A small gift from Santa is included. To register to attend (by Wednesday 6 December), email: party@irishclub.lu with your child's name and age. One should also make a transfer to the Irish Club of Luxembourg (IBAN LU08 0030 2513 4451 0000), mentioning "ICL Santa's Grotto" and the children's name(s) and age(s).
Note: The Black Stuff Irish Pub will be open for purchasing drinks, including to the public.
Call for Volunteers: The Irish Club is looking for a couple of club members to help at this event. One would need to arrive at around 12:00 to set up, including decorate, the Grotto and snack area, and then tidy up afterwards. If interested, contact Fiona by email: party@irishclub.lu.