The British-Luxembourg Socety (BLS) has announced that it is celebrating its 75th anniversary with a gala dinner at Cercle Munster in Luxembourg-Grund on Saturday 26 November 2022 at 18:00.
The gala dinner will be preceded by a short lecture on "British diplomacy and the birth of the Grand Duchy. The role of Great Britain on Luxembourg's road to independence (1815-1867)" by Guy Thewes, a renowned Luxembourgish historian and director of the two Luxembourg City museums (Lëtzebuerg City Museum and Villa Vauban), as well as a cocktail, including live harp music, sponsored by Banque Havilland SA.
This event is open to BLS members and non-members alike. Tickets cost €80 for members and €90 for non-members.
Dress code: lounge suit or black tie (jacket and tie required).
For more information and registration, visit https://b-l-s.lu/events/current-events/bls-gala-dinner.