On Thursday 6 March 2025, Luxembourg non-profit organisation Stand Speak Rise Up! (SSRU) issued an urgent call for donations to assist 82 young Afghan women who took refuge in Oman to pursue their educational studies.
Having obtained scholarship grants from the Women's Scholarship Endowment (WSE) to study at the Middle East College in Muscat (Oman), the women are no longer able to pay their tuition and housing fees due to a freeze in US funding. SSRU has advised that, without immediate help, the women will be deported and sent back to Afghanistan, where the Taliban have banned girls from education and deprived them of their fundamental rights, risking both their safety and future.
Stand Speak Rise Up!, a non-profit organisation created in September 2019 at the request of Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, aims to denounce rape as a weapon of war, to prevent its proliferation and to support victims in the reconstruction of their lives and to support their need for justice.
To donate, visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/urgence-sauvez-leducation-de-82-etudiantes-afghanes