Credit: © Ville de Luxembourg

The City of Luxembourg (Ville de Luxembourg - VdL) has reported that its College of Aldermen signed new agreements with the non-profit organisation HUT - Hëllef um Terrain ("Help on the Ground") on Tuesday 1 October 2024.

As of Tuesday, most Caritas employees have now begun working under new employment contracts with HUT, a new structure which has taken over the non-profit's national activities amid an embezzlement scandal. Ahead of this transition, certain trade unions had raised concerns over transparency and staff allegedly being put under pressure to sign the new contracts.

The VdL said it had signed new agreements with HUT following the "termination by mutual agreement" of the parties of previous agreements concluded with the Caritas Foundation as well as the Caritas Accueil et Solidarité association, with effect from 30 September 2024.

The signing of the individual agreements took place in the presence of Luxembourg City Mayor Lydie Polfer, the alderwoman responsible for social affairs, Corinne Cahen, and the alderman responsible for finance, Laurent Mosar, as well as the President of the Caritas Foundation, Marie-Josée Jacobs, and HUT founding member Christian Billon.

With the support of HUT, the City of Luxembourg said it wished to ensure the "sustainability and continuity" of support services offered to the "most disadvantaged" members of society.