Credit: Stëmm vun der Strooss

Stëmm vun der Strooss, a local non-profit organisation promoting the social and professional integration of disadvantaged people, has reported that it recently received a donation from Generation X Luxembourg which will allow it to replenish its underwear stock for its "Kleederstuff" stores.

On Wednesday 11 September 2024, Mike Welter, also known as DJ Mike, MC and founder of the Generation X parties in Luxembourg, presented a cheque for €1,000 to Alexandra Oxacelay, Director of Stëmm vun der Strooss.

The sum collected comes from the proceeds of the Generation X parties, which take place regularly throughout the country and whose profits are always donated to a good cause. Generation X Luxembourg is also a Facebook group for people born between 1964 and 1980, or for anyone who is interested in this period.

On the occasion of the donation handover, Alexandra Oxacelay took the opportunity to show Mike Welter the various activities of the non-profit organisation at its headquarters in Luxembourg-Hollerich. In particular, the Kleederstuff clothing stores, which is currently short of underwear, will once again be able to distribute large quantities to its recipients, who regularly ask for them.

Stëmm vun der Strooss highlighted that this represents a non-negligible budget for the non-profit, as these are not second-hand products.