Credit: Stëmm vun der Strooss

Stëmm vun der Strooss, a local non-profit organisation which supports people experiencing homelessness and vulnerable members of society, has announced that Luxembourg Scouts children recently made a donation to support the association.

Around fifty children, members of the Biber, Wëllefcher, AvEx and CaraPio groups of the Groupe Saint Benoît of Clervaux organised a sale of various products at the last Advent market on Selina Schroeder's initiative.

After a brief presentation of the association's activities and the problems it is currently facing in helping the most disadvantaged members of society, Alexandra Oxacelay emphasised: "To raise €1,500, you really need to sell a lot of items, and I congratulate you on your gesture of solidarity. The money will be used to build a new reception area as part of the extension of the Hollerich social restaurant at 7 Rue de la Fonderie. Despite the summer, an average of 450 meals are served there every day.”

The official donation ceremony took place on Saturday 6 July at Chalet Bréisbich, the meeting place of the Groupe Saint Benoît of Clervaux, affiliated with the Luxembourg Guides and Scouts movement, as part of a closing barbecue with the children and their parents.