The Fondation Kriibskrank Kanner charity which helps children suffering from cancer, together with their families, has announced that the 4th edition of LËTZ GO GOLD will take place on Saturday 25 September 2021
Finding new drugs and improving those that exist to fight childhood cancer is the goal of the LËTZ GO GOLD solidarity race. Thanks to participants of the race, which is being organised in Luxembourg, Paris, Brussels and Milan, five innovative and very promising research programmes will be able to be financed. Each runner, each walker will make a difference in improving the condition of a child with cancer.
With the common objective of accelerating the development of more effective treatments to save more lives of children with cancer, four organisations have joined forces to launch an international call for projects aimed at all European researchers working on pediatric cancers. This unprecedented approach, called Fight Kids Cancer, allows scientists to submit an innovative research project that meets the strict criteria of innovation, international collaboration and strong impact on young patients. All projects are analysed and ranked according to criteria of excellence by a panel of independent international experts. Only the best projects are selected and funded.
Luxembourg's financial contribution, through the Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner, is made thanks to the solidarity race LËTZ GO GOLD which, in three years, has already raised more than €860,000, with the participation of 1,900 runners and walkers in the total. Success is there thanks to the participants in the race who commit, upon registration, to collect a minimum amount of €200 to be on the starting line. This concept is deployed on the four races in Luxembourg, Paris, Brussels and now also in Milan.
For this 4th edition, the Foundation is offering participants a formula adapted to the current health situation. The 2021 race will be hybrid, that is to say that participants will be able to choose between participating in a remotely connected way or physically participating in the starting signal near the ponds in Kockelscheuer, thanks to the COVID-check at the entrance of the race village. This formula allows everyone to participate and contribute to the social dimension of the race. “For this race to be a success, we need the commitment of many participants, donors and volunteers, our young patients deserve our full attention" stated Anne Goeres, director of the Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner.
In the delicate context of the pandemic, the Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner underlines the importance of fundraising and encourages any person or company to join the solidarity initiative of the LËTZ GO GOLD race, knowing that all the donations collected will be in full and in full transparency, donated to the scientists selected thanks to the sponsors who finance the costs of organizing the race.
To register, see