The NGO distributes protective equipment to Laos Ministry of Health; Credit: Caritas Luxembourg

Caritas Luxembourg has presented its efforts in the fight against COVID-19 (coronavirus) in six developing countries: the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC); Haiti; Laos; South Sudan; Lebanon; and Syria.

Indeed, the coronavirus pandemic has spread to many developing countries and is affecting more and more people every day. According to Dr Michael Feit, head of the International Cooperation Service at Caritas Luxembourg: "In addition to having to face (often extreme) poverty, the populations of the countries of the South are now facing the consequences of [what is both] a health [and] a major economic [...] crisis, and which will persist. For these destitute people, the effects of coronavirus will be extreme and disastrous. For some, confinement is not even an option. You have to keep going out to work or find something to feed your family. Many are likely to never recover".

From the first announced cases, Caritas Luxembourg took the lead and set up activities intended to help the population. “It is obviously essential to raise awareness of the virus, the measures to be taken and the barrier measures that make it possible to protect oneself. Many are completely unaware of the risks they run. But that's not enough. We also need to help them protect themselves physically. So we are distributing masks, gloves and hygiene products, such as soap", said Dr Feit.

Beyond the virus, Caritas Luxembourg is also concerned with the indirect effects of the ongoing crisis. Dr Feit explained: "People who were already vulnerable before are falling into extreme poverty: they have lost their jobs or can no longer go there, and have no resources left to buy food. One of our priorities is therefore to distribute food packages to them. And to continue to do so for all those for whom we have already done so, such as Syrian refugees for example. For them, this is now a life-threatening emergency".

Caritas Luxembourg is currently intervening to help the population to fight against coronavirus and its effects in the following six countries: the DRC; Haiti; Laos; South Sudan; Lebanon; and Syria.

Dr Michael Feit concluded: “We are very fortunate to be able to count on loyal partners in the field or directly in our local offices, which makes the implementation of our projects much easier and our activities much faster and more efficient. But this crisis is unprecedented. I have been doing this job for over 25 years and this is the first time that we have faced an emergency of this magnitude in so many countries at once. The number of people affected is enormous and the help they will need to return to their former lives will extend over the very long term".

Anyone wishing to support the NGO's efforts in this fight against COVID-19 can do so by making a donation via bank transfer to the Caritas Luxembourg account (CCPL) IBAN LU34 1111 0000 2020 0000, citing "Urgence Coronavirus – aide internationale", or online at