Thanks to the sale of Cactus Bio Naturbrout, the Luxembourg supermarket chain has raised a total of €15,471 over the past year for a nature protection project run by natur & ëmwelt / Fondation Hëllef fir d'Natur.
For each Bio Naturbrout organic bread sold, Cactus promised to donate 10 cents to natur & ëmwelt to support one of its projects. The sum of €15,471 raised in 2019 will help finance the acquisition and management of nature reserves, which are rich in ponds, to accommodate endangered green tree frogs and ensure their long-term survival.
In this context, Cactus and natur & ëmwelt already carried out the “Cactus Weier & Dëmpel” project in Mensdorf in eastern Luxembourg in 2018. This pond of around 1,500 m², with its rich fauna and flora, today shelters a multitude of amphibians, including the green tree frog.
Since the launch of the Naturbrout solidarity initiative in 2010, the sum of €150,414 has already been raised and donated to natur & ëmwelt, thus enabling the realisation of various projects for the safeguard of biodiversity and endangered animal species, such as otters, orchids, reed beds and now the green tree frog.