Luxembourg professionals manufacturing, importing, providing and using chemical products are now able to discover the latest updates on regulatory data from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the REACH&CLP Helpdesk of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) reported Thursday.
The REACH&CLP Helpdesk has worked closely with the ECHA and has now announced that information on 120,000 chemicals used in Luxembourg and Europe is now available here, and based on three levels of complexity:
- The InfoCard, which provides, in plain English, a summary of information on a chemical substance
- A profile summary, which outlines the information collected for each substance under different chemical regulations
- Source data, which include raw data sent by businesses and Classification and Labelling Inventory notifications
This information is indispensable for companies affected by REACH&CLP obligations, and the database also offers consumers the opportunity to learn about the properties of chemical substances in a wide variety of products for the general public, such as cleaning products, paint and crafts.
To find out more information from the Helpdesk, contact reach@list.lu, clp@list.lu or +352 275 888-1. Documents are also available at www.reach.lu.