
The Grand Ducal Police have called for witnesses after a shoe and clothing shop in Windhof was robbed.

The robbery took place in a shop on Rue d'Arlon at around 19:00 on Monday 26 August 2024. The perpetrator(s) stole the cash register, among other items.

The police noted that the perpetrators are believed to have been four young men aged 18-25. They were slightly tanned and spoke broken French and English. Two of the men had short black hair, a short black beard and wore dark clothing. After the robbery, the perpetrators fled in an unknown direction in a blue car.

The police are looking for witnesses who have relevant information about the incident. Witnesses should contact the Capellen police station via email: or via tel.: 244-301000.

Another theft took place on Monday late afternoon, near a petrol station in Luxembourg-Hollerich. The perpetrator stole a man's wallet by force and fled in the direction of the central train station. The victim was not injured. The police added that investigations have been launched into the incident.

That same afternoon, someone attempted to rob a man at an ATM using threats. This incident took place on Avenue de la Liberation in Schifflange. The perpetrator ordered the victim to hand over cash, but the victim did not comply. The perpetrator then tried but failed to steal his bank card. The two individuals eventually entered the bank branch, where the victim screamed for help. The perpetrator fled the scene. Investigations have also been launched into this case.

At around 17:00 on Monday, an altercation was reported near Avenue Monterey in Luxembourg-Ville, in which a man threatened a young person with a knife. A police patrol went to the scene and found the individuals in question on-site. According to initial information, a verbal altercation first occurred between several young people. One of them spat at another, whereupon the latter took his belt and hit him. A woman and a man came to check on the victim and confront the other young person. Another argument broke out, during which the man showed a knife. A security officer then immobilised him. All those involved were taken to the police station for further official action. On the orders of the public prosecutor's office, a report was drawn up and the knife was confiscated.