Credit: Police Grand Ducale

The Grand Ducal Police have confirmed that they recorded around 60 instances of disturbances of the peace between 22:00 on Saturday 6 July and 06:00 on Sunday 7 July 2024.

In most cases, the situations had already calmed down by the time police officers arrived, with some others being resolved on site.

However, in one instance, an argument was reported between two people in a car that was in the breakdown lane on the A13 motorway. The reported car was located a short while later at the Aire de Berchem motorway service area. It turned out that there had previously been a scuffle between the occupants. However, one of the four occupants refused to calm down despite the officers' requests and became verbally aggressive. Because he was drunk, he was deemed by the police to pose a danger to himself and others, and they decided to detain him following a medical examination.

That same night, a police patrol found several people in Rue du Fort Neipperg in Luxembourg-Gare arguing loudly on the road. When police officers stopped to check on things, one of the men hit the police car and started shouting. The people were then separated. One man, however, refused to calm down and became increasingly aggressive, so it was decided to detain him following a medical examination.

That same night, a police patrol in Luxembourg-Gare district spotted a motorist swerving his vehicle. The check confirmed the suspicion that the driver was under the influence of alcohol. The breathalyser test was positive, so the driver was taken to the police station. However, he did not agree to the official actions and became aggressive towards the police officers and he had to be immobilised. He also displayed uncooperative and aggressive behaviour while being transported to the police station, which is why he was placed in the detention centre to sober up after a medical examination. His driver's license was also confiscated.