On Monday 1 July 2024, Luxembourg's Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed that the new EU Directive 2021/1883 of 20 October 2021 establishing the conditions of entry and stay of third-country nationals for the purposes of highly qualified employment, was transposed into law on 4 June 2024, amending of the amended law of 29 August 2008 on the free movement of people and immigration; this law came into force today.

Luxembourg needs advanced skills and highly qualified workers in a large number of sectors of the economy, particularly in terms of digital and environmental transition,” declared the Minister of Internal Affairs, Léon Gloden, welcoming the transposition into national law of the new European Blue Card Directive.

The objective of the new legal framework is to make the European Blue Card more attractive for highly qualified third-country nationals wishing to work both in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and in a Member State of the European Union. By taking into account the demands of Luxembourg economic players, the legislative changes aim to simplify the procedure for obtaining a European Blue Card and to strengthen the attraction and retention of talent in Luxembourg.

In terms of scope, beneficiaries of international protection now have the right to apply for a European Blue Card provided they meet all the required conditions. Regarding the admission conditions, the applicant can now present a valid employment contract with a minimum duration of 6 months (previously one year) and receive a salary equivalent to the average gross annual salary, which is currently equivalent to €58,968.

The system applies a single salary threshold for all sectors, namely once the average gross annual salary, for the sake of administrative simplification.

Blue card holders will have free access to the job market after twelve months instead of two years previously and the possibility of short-term and long-term mobility in other Member States.

The details of the applicable rules, as well as the procedures to be carried out, can be consulted by following this link.