The Office Régional du Tourisme Région Mullerthal – Petite Suisse Luxembourgeoise has announced that the Mullerthal Region is currently working on a master plan for the future tourism development of the region.
The aim of this master plan is to clarify the tourism future of the region through a clear strategy and prioritisation of concrete recommendations for action.
After a first strategy workshop of the steering group in mid-April, the results elaborated there were deepened at a tourism workshop on Wednesday 7 June at the Centre Culturel "A Schmadds" in Berdorf. More than 40 participants from varies fields like the Ministries of Tourism and Agriculture, the Horeca sector, municipalities, Tourist Infos, Mëllerdall Nature & Geopark, youth hostels, museums and guides took part in the workshop.
The vision and a first proposal for the tourism positioning including fields of action for the Mullerthal Region were presented and the ideas were discussed and expanded. The fields of tourism positioning worked on at the workshop were: Vision & Strategy; Habitat, Sustainability & Regional Products; Outdoor & Nature Experience; Quality & Infrastructure/Marketing & Organisation and Cultural Treasures. At the workshop, all the participants were invited to move around and provide their feedback and ideas on all areas.
The results of the tourism workshop will now be condensed and processed and will have a decisive influence on the master plan, which is to be presented in the autumn.